Chuck Swindoll in his book "Come Before Winter" paints a picture of Paul writing to Timothy at the end of II Timothy. He fleshes out what it might have been like for Paul as he lists those who deserted him, asks for friends, his cloak, and papers, and finally begs Timothy to "come before winter" (4:21). I could not shake the scene from my mind and I thought too of all those times we need our friends to "come before the winter" of our souls.
Come before winter, my friend
Before the harsh winds blow
And fierce storms appear
That tear at the soul
To destroy all that is held dear
Come before winter, my friend
Come before winter, my friend
For that is when I will need you best
To help me through the endless days
That stretch out without rest
Giving no cessation to dark loneliness
Come before winter, my friend
Come before winter, my friend
Bolster my spirit when I feel it failing
When all my world seems to be
Falling apart
Answer this my most urgent plea
And come before winter, my friend.