It is so easy for bitterness and hardness to infiltrate my thinking. It is so easy for pride to become all consuming. It is so easy to build the walls against others and God. This is my prayer for those times.
Take the bitter waters; bring forth the sweet
Drive away complaint; banish conceit
Part the waves; impel the land to dry
Abolish all sadness; wipe the tears from my eyes.
Throw the pottage; pound the clay
Shape and mold; though You me slay
Impart the trials; inflict with thorns
Perfect weakness; Your grace will not I scorn.
Break the walls; bring them down
Receive the glory; let praise resound
Cast me not away; perceive and sustain
Restore and renew; joy in You regain.
Crush the stone; a heart of flesh release
Advance Your kingdom; make me decrease.