On Mother's Day of 2016 my pastor preached a sermon on gentleness as one of the fruits of the Spirit. He quipped that there were not any worship songs on God and His gentleness. I took that, of course, as a challenge. Here is my answer to that challenge.
As grasses that bend and don't break
As day does the night forsake
As whispers after fire and quake
Your gentleness powerfully strengthens us.
As pear blossoms yield to the leaves
As Ruth to Naomi did cleave
As our cares Your presence relieves
Your gentleness graciously preserves us.
You are gentle
You are meek
You bring rest
It's You I seek
Let me fall at Your feet
You are gentle, so gentle.
As waves lap and not pound the shore
As the beauty of the earth we cannot ignore
As forgiveness You upon us pour
Your gentleness amazingly restores us.
As Your might You channel and constrain
Your mercy is our refrain
Forever and ever You reign
Your gentleness lovingly transforms us
Your gentleness lovingly transforms us.