This poem is based on Isaiah 42:15, 40:8, 24:4, 24:10, 43:2, 54:10, 49:13, and Matthew 28:20b, in that order. It is a reminder of all of God's assurances in my life that I have so desperately needed as I have walked through gried. I wish I could say the phrasing was original, but the wording comes from a combination of the scriptures and a series of blog posts done by "A Widow's Might".
Even if
The hills and mountains crumble
Even if
The rivers run dry
Even if
The grass and flower withers
Even if
The earth lies desolate.
Even when
I go through the waters
Even when
I pass through the flood
Even when
I walk through the fire
Even when
The flames burn.
Even then
Your unfailing love will not be shaken
Even then
Upon us You will have compassion
Even then
Will You comfort the afflicted
Even then
You are the Lord
And You are with us.