Hundreds of miles and twenty one years separate the picture from the poem, but the beauty of the creation and Creator is still the same. Take a moment to breathe in deeply and sing.
Sing a song of the moon
Under the expanse of a star-lit sky.
Gaze up into endless night
Pondering the celestial with ceaseless wonder
While the earth pirouettes
Partaking in the cycles of life.
Breathe in deeply the winter's frosty air
Feel the wind chill you to the bone
Spin round and round--
See the world move around you--
Stand still again and return to silence.
Listen to the soundless nothingness of the darkness
Sit down and watch in reverence
This crystalline realm of untouched space
Moving with eternal time under the Master's hand
Call our and listen to your echoed reply
Be quite, and hear Him
Be still, and know Him
Rejoice in these placid hours
With which the heart can celebrate creation
Underneath streaming beams of hushed moonlight.