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My Rock

This is based on the four themes of who God is in Psalm 62: rock, salvation, fortress, and refuge.

My Rock... Mainstay constant and immovable Foundation unshakable and unwavering Mountain girded in strength Although chaos swirls And the earth gives way I shall not slip Nor shall I be moved For in You I silence my soul.

My Salvation

Deliverer from the enemies of the soul Rescuer bringing stability Redeemer protecting His own Although the attacks rage And fiercely assail I shall not be distressed Nor shall I be shaken For in You is my defense.

My Fortress Bastion firm and unyielding Stronghold staunch and preserving Citadel impregnable and invincible Although foes assault And violently contend I shall not be overcome Nor shall I be vanquished For in You I glory.

My Refuge Anchorage from dangerous vulnerability Asylum emancipating and conserving Sanctuary engineering aid and relief Although the world does batter And relentlessly pummel I shall expectantly hope I shall faithfully trust For You, O LORD, are my steadfast confidence.

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