I have started this new year with a study of the book of Nehemiah. As part of the reminder of the history of the book, the study guide directed to Daniel's prayer in Daniel chapter 9. It is this beautiful prayer of confession, begging God to forgive the sins of the nation.
As I soaked in the words, I pondered how many times in my life I have sung a song of confession. Yes, I have prayed prayers of confession, but I could never remember a time in corporate worship singing a song in which we, the congregation, confessed our sins before our holy and righteous Lord. What more humbling way could we teach ourselves and our children about the need for repentance for our sins? Without confession, our souls wither like my rose in winter.
Here is my weak effort in that attempt based on Daniel 9.
O Lord, the great and awesome
O God, mighty of hand
O Lord, compassionate and forgiving
O God, giver of perfect commands
We have sinned and been unfaithful
We have been wicked and turned away
We have rebelled and are shameful
We have transgressed and refused to obey
O Lord, give ear and listen
O God, pardon please
O Lord, look down and see
For Your sake, O God, forgive
Keeper of Your covenant
Maker of Your glorious name
Guardian of justice
Creator in righteousness
We have not sought Your favor
The list of our iniquities is long
We have ignored Your truth
We have applied ourselves to wrong
O Lord, give ear and listen
O God, Your pardon do not delay
O Lord, look down and see
O God, forgive us, we pray
O Lord, give ear and listen
O God, pardon please
O Lord, look down and see
O God Almighty, forgive.