For months I have had this phrase from Ephesians 3:19 rolling around in my head, "that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God." I could not let go of it, even after that last post. What did it truly mean to be filled with the fullness of God? I read and reread Ephesians and so many other phrases jumped out at me. As I stood at the ocean this week, I just wanted to reach out my arms and hold on to it. I was captured and captivated by the immensity of it. That's when all the phrases started coming together into this prayer.
Dwell in our hearts through faith
Enlighten us to Your hope
Strengthen us with Your power
Be our peace.
Do more than we can possibly imagine
Build Your dwelling in purity
Conform us to Your purposes
Humble us in unity.
O, the expanse of Your love is beyond our reach
While the length of Your love stretches out to the least
To dive into the depths of Your wonder is all we can do
For we're captured by the fullness of You.
Lavish us with wisdom and understanding
Show the riches of Your grace
Grow us, join us, and hold us
All the darkness displace.
Prepare us to serve in truth
Complete the work You are authoring
Stand us firm in Your holiness
Make us a fragrant offering.
O, the expanse of Your love is beyond our reach
While the length of Your love stretches out to the least
To dive into the depths of Your wonder is all we can do
For we're perfected with the fullness of You.