Thanksgiving is not, however, a mere return to the cadence of praise--as if nothing happened. Psalms of thanksgiving keep alive memories of time spent in the pit, because what has happened has not only changed my life but has now become a part of my life--my story...Faith does not require us to ignore the scars from our losses; even the resurrected Christ still had His wounds. Nor does faith promise memory erasure so that we can live and act as if nothing happened. Something has happened--death in all its forms: abuse, pain, grief, rape, aggression, divorce. Nonetheless, in the rhythm of resurrection, God's work in our lives becomes a part of our faith story and integral to our new language of thanksgiving.
Glenn Pemberton, "Hurting with God: Learning to Lament with the Psalms", p. 178
"But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign LORD my refuge; I will tell of all Your deeds." Psalm 73:28
I was hopeless and void
Covered in darkness deep
Entrenched in my sorrow
Overcome by grief
But Your Spirit is hovering--moving
Breaking through where no expectations I keep
For only You create out of nothing
Only in You will hope and comfort I reap.
You breathe Your breath upon the sea of tears
Cause the dry ground to appear
Bring new life were none was found
Restoration abounds
And I respond
For I have this hope
That confounds, surrounds, astounds
And purifies the soul
"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you." Isaiah 43:2
Water rushing down the rocks
Forward falling
Pounding relentlessly onward
No stopping the torrent
No stopping the waves
The pure white egret stands on pencil-thin legs
Poised in the deluge
Fixed amidst the cascade
Through the non-stop torrent
Through the non-stop waves
Give me the strength to remain
Firm despite the sorrow
Steadfast during the trials
Remaining still in the torrent
Remaining in You in the waves.
"But You are a shield around me, O LORD; You bestow glory on me and lift up my head." Psalm 3:2
Whisper to the darkness
Blow back what crushes the soul
Infuse the knowledge of Your presence
Guide me to peace's sure shoals.
Usher in Your gentle radiance
Impel joy to imbed
Raise my eyes from my afflictions
Lift up my head.
"But I, by Your great mercy, will come into You house; in reverence will I bow down toward Your holy temple." Psalm 5:7
Today I will praise
Although the dust has yet to settle
And the skies remain gray
Today I will worship
While the battle rages on
And expressions are cliché
Today I will adore
Raise my voice to sing
Speak the truth of You again
Today I will worship
Today I will praise.
"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the earth." Psalm 19:1-4
The foam-filled creek before me lies
Rose-hued tints light up the skies
And the world cries, "Glory!"
I bring to You these fractured prayers
Upon Your altar I place my hurts and cares
And I whisper, "For Your glory."
With creation Your name I praise
No matter the cost--for all my days
Every breath rings out, "Glory!"
"You are forgiving and good, O Lord, abounding in love to all who call to you." Psalm 86:5
If I perceive that You called me
Chose me; made me Your own
If I grasp that You're with me
That I'm never alone
If I'm certain You uphold me
Righteous and just cornerstone
If I say You are faithful
Then I can say You are good.
If I call out Your name
In the darkest of nights
If I scream for Your refuge
In this painful plight
If I adhere to the truth
You alone are my strength and might
If I say You are faithful
Then I can say You are good.
If I hold that Your ways
Are not mine
And that I could never comprehend
Your infinite design
If I can trust beyond reason
More than the circumstances define
If I say You are faithful
Then I can say You are good.
"For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." Philippians 1:21
The Plea of Philippians
To complete the work You've started
To grow and abound in love
To be filled with the fruit of righteousness
To shine like the stars above.
To live my life worthy of the gospel
To make myself nothing
To be humble and obedient
To work out salvation with fear and trembling.
I want to know You, know You
And the power of Your resurrection
I want to be found in You, found in You
Share in Your sufferings
I want to press on for You, press on for You
And win the prize eternal
For to live is Christ and to die is gain.
For to live is Christ and to die is gain.
To put no confidence in the flesh
To boast in Your name
To count everything else as loss
To only You proclaim.
To find contentment through Your strength
To let Your peace guard my mind
To rejoice in You always
To be poured out fully refined.
I want to know You, know You
And the power of Your resurrection
I want to be found in You, found in You
Share in Your sufferings
I want to press on for You, press on for You
And win the prize eternal
For to live is Christ and to die is gain.
For to live is Christ and to die is gain.
Soli Deo Gloria