"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery." Galatians 5:1-2
I think, sometimes, it's easier to walk in bondage than in the freedom God has given us.
Take, for example, forgiveness. It's far easier to hold on to bitterness, hurt, and pain than to let it go and forgiveness. Yet, my lack of forgiveness is slowly killing me on the inside and making my heart as hard as an ancient Egyptian pharaoh. Why do I want to do this to myself? When I do forgive, I walk in glorious freedom. Why is it so hard to do this?
Or to give up pride or anger or envy or a hundred other sins that so easily beset us? These things keep me from picking up my cross and following Him.
These are the things I want to release.
There are things I'm holding on to
Holding on to, holding on to.
There are things holding on to me.
And the torrent that floods my soul
From the things I won't let go--
These things just can't abide
I couldn't carry my cross if I tried.
There are things that shackle me to the ground
To the ground, to the ground.
There are things that to myself I do bind.
And the more these chains I know
The greater the barrenness within me grows.
There are things with which I have been allied
I no longer understand the reasons why.
Can I lose it all
Lose it all, lose it all
And thereby gain?
Can I die to the things that bind me--that tie me
And true freedom attain?
These things I will crucify
Rely on the grace that You supply.