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Our pastor is finishing up a series on the Sermon on the Mount this weekend and talking about the tough passages in Matthew 7:21-27. Our pastor related this to the life of Judas. Even when Jesus is right there at the last supper saying, "Judas is the betrayer," the disciples couldn't see it because there was nothing to make them think that. I wrote down a list of everything Judas saw, heard, and did. I'm condensing it here.

As our pastor stated, "Just because a man is used mightily of God does not mean he knows God."

Judas was called and chosen. Judas followed. Judas listened at Jesus's feet. Judas witnessed lepers made whole, the paralyzed walk, the bleeding woman healed, and demons flee. Judas beheld how the wind and waves obeyed Him. Judas listened to the parables and their meanings. Judas saw blind men receive their sight. Judas watched the dead raised to life. Judas stared as Jesus and Peter walked on the water. Judas handed out bread and fish to the 5000 and the 4000. Judas collected the leftovers. Judas noted the faith of the centurion. Judas observed the repentance of the woman at the well and Zacchaeus. Judas noticed changed hearts and lives. Judas heard Peter declare Jesus was the Christ, the son of the living God. Judas drove out evil spirits. Judas prayed for healing from sickness and disease. Judas preached "The kingdom of heaven is near." Judas returned with joy. Judas walked with Him, ate with Him, traveled with Him, prayed with Him. Judas was called a "brother" by Him. Judas's feet were washed by Him. Judas turned away from Him. Judas sold Him for 30 pieces of silver. Judas betrayed Him with the kiss of a friend.


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