The Hebrew words for the Holy Spirit are either Ha Ruach Ha Kodesh or Ruach Adonai. I was introduced to them in a novel I was reading. Ruach is translated as wind or breath, but understood not to be those exact things, but rather the power of God encountered as a wind or a breath.
The Theological Lexicon of the Old Testament implies that "ruach" as (Strongs 7307) is a power that is within the breath and wind, which is connected to the Name Yahweh. The Holy Spirit is the power emanating from Yahweh, the Heavenly Father. It is Yahweh’s power that puts all things into motion. It is Yahweh’s power through His ruach that breathes life into His creation and makes things live."
I was pondering this while cleaning up after co-op and pondering about how even though I might not feel the Holy Spirit's movement at a particular point in my life, it is always there. It is constantly in motion, similar to how I don't feel the rotation of the earth beneath my feet. It is a never stopping presence that makes my heart live. It's undeniable and ever moving.
A hungering in the distance
A longing in the breeze
A pining in our existence
And I can feel Your Spirit moving, moving, moving.
A thirsting with relentless persistence
A yearning without quenching
A desiring that brokers no resistance
And I can feel Your Spirit moving, moving, moving.
A whispering in the silence
A rustling in the leaves
A beckoning by and through Your presence
And I can feel Your Spirit moving, moving, moving.
Breathe on me again
My soul upend
And I can feel Your Spirit moving.