This year in Women's Bible Study, we were asked to look for who God was revealed to be in each chapeter. At the end of the year, we reviewed to see everything God was. I, of course, wrote mine up in poetry form.
Rememberer of anguish Keeper of tears Bringer of life Giver of song.
Possessor of knowledge Lifter of the lowly Meditator of men Establisher of Your Word.
Caller of servants Revealer of revelations Exhibitor of glory Sanctifier of the faithful.
Helper of the downcast Saver of the weak Anointer of the chosen Maker of kings.
Worker of salvation Sustainer of the steadfast Delighter in obedience Exalter of the least.
Lover of the resolute Protector of the persecuted Hearer of the seeker Pursuer of the heart.
Avenger of the wronged Pleader of our cause Vindicator of the innocent Conservator of the upright.
Deliverer of the blameless Redeemer of the righteous Controller of chaos Holder of my hand.