In Women's Bible Study this year, we have been studying John and the abundant life. One of our leaders stated that "abundant life is found in surrender." As I stared out my window at my trees one day, I could not help but look at this little leaf clinging to the tree, seemingly refusing to fall like all the other leaves. "How like us," I thought, "Clinging to things that do not give us life...dying while refusing to do the one thing that will change everything, surrender." This poem is born out of those musings.
Little leaf lingering
Little leaf clinging
To the branch so bare.
Little leaf remaining
Little leaf straining
To what you cannot hold.
Colors once vibrant
Now fade and dim
Edges crinkle
Yet you cleave to the limb.
Little leaf stalling
Little leaf lolling
Let the winds blow you.
It's time to let go now
Again, you'll grow now
For life is found
New life is found
True life is found in surrender.