May the grace of our Lord be with our spirits That we may be strengthened in our inner being May we always see His great mercy And be counted worthy of His calling.
May we overflow with hope by His power That we may discern what is best May we proclaim the message clearly And be found pure and blameless.
It's the prayer for the saints Let the church arise It's the plea for perseverance Let us live holy lives Wholly devoted to You Wholly devoted to You.
May the peace of God guard our hearts That we may patiently endure suffering May we be sanctified through and through And become an aroma that is pleasing.
May we be bearing fruit in every way And our faith be found flourishing May we ever be joyful As the day of Christ is soon in coming.
It's the prayer for the saints Let the church arise It's the pleas for perseverance Let us live holy lives Abounding in love for You Abounding in love for You.