"I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent." Luke 15:7
I watch
I look
I glance
I stare
Out the window
Out the door
Across the street
That one day I’ll spy
The silhouette of your figure
Cresting my horizon.
I craved the world of pleasure
Desired momentary gain
I lived for the rush and the thrill
To live without restraint
I drank down the world’s poison
Sought schemes and compromise
I heard the truth loudly proclaimed
But chose to believe the lies
And I was running, running
Running far from you
Running, running
What else could I do?
I bought the goods
That I was sold
It left me breathless
In a stranglehold
I hope and pray
It’s not too late
To turn around
And change my fate
Running back to you
Running, running
What else can I do?
I’m going back home
Confess my sin
Fall on his mercy
Beg to be taken in
And I’m running, running
Running back to you
Running, running
What else can I do?
Just a glimpse
Just a passing
Just a gander
Just a glance
One moment—nothing
The next
Shadow and substance
Figure and form
Burns its image on my retinas
And my spirit transforms
From mourning and weeping
To overwhelming joy
That lifts me from this place
Makes my feet fly
And I’m running
And racing
And loping
And leaping
Until you I embrace.
Racing out
Pouring out
Rushing all around me
Flowing over my soul
Taking me down
Taking me under
Washing me up on its shoals
Purifying my mind
Purging my heart
Making me whole
Older Brother
The anger and the pain
I keep bottled up inside
Resentment and bitterness
Constantly abide
I stay here at home
I follow all the rules
I don’t rebel
I don’t play the fool
He runs off
Breaks our family
Breaks his heart
Then he comes waltzing back—
Of course he does—
Here to pillar and plunder some more
After everything he’s used up.
He gets a hearty welcome
While all I get is more work.
He’s nothing but a lair, thief, and a jerk.
I cannot—I will not
Forgive and accept him
There’s no forgetting
The agony of how against us
He did sin.
Friends and neighbors
Come and gather round
Listen to the tale
Of the redeemed.
This son of mine
So far he did roam
Now he’s returned home
Celebrate with me.
Put away all sadness
Let your joy abound
And with all of heaven sing.
Let angels’ voices loudly resound
For this sinner that once was lost
Now is found
Now is found.
Friends and neighbors
Come and gather round
With loud shouts
Proclaim the story of the redeemed.
Lift your voices
Belt out the melody
Set your praises fee
As we proclaim the news greatly.
Put away all sadness
Let your joy abound
And with all of heaven sing.
Let angels’ voices loudly resound
For this sinner that once was lost
Now is found
Now is found.
For o so many people
This story has no happy end
Their profligates don’t turn back
Their hearts forever rend
They keep gazing out the window
They keep looking around the bend
For some prodigals
Never come home again.
Holding on to hope
Is sometimes the bravest thing
You can do
In this moment I am praying
That doubt you will eschew
And you’ll feel His arms surrounding
While His grace sees you through
And maybe in eternity
You’ll see
Your prodigal came home to you.