I've been working on this one thanks to Bethany Dillon's mentioning of this chapter with her latest album. A line of it is in her song "Comfort." I feel in love with this chapter, Isaiah 35, and felt it should be a whole song. Also included is a tiny bit of Isaiah 33:2. So here you go.
Strengthen the tired hands Steady the weak kneed Say to the fearful hearts "Be strong and do not fear Our God is coming near He is coming to save."
The eyes of the blind will open The ears of the deaf will unseal The lame will leap And the mute will shout Our God is coming near Be strong and do not fear He is coming to save.
For the wilderness and the wasteland will be glad The desert will bloom With singing and joy And we'll finally see the glory of the Lord The splendor of our God will restore.
Streams will break forth again Grasses and reeds will grow There'll be no danger there A land of no despair Our God is coming near He is coming to save.
For the wilderness and the wasteland will be glad The desert will bloom With singing and joy And we'll finally see the glory of the Lord The splendor of our God will restore.
You pave a highway of holiness Bind up our brokenness Fill up our emptiness We long for You. Be our strength in our distress Fill us with Your graciousness We need You.
For the wilderness and the wasteland will be glad The desert will bloom With singing and joy And we'll finally see the glory of the Lord The splendor of our God will restore. You will restore.