You can build a name for yourself Chase commendation and acclaim You can seek the praises of others Desire fortune and fame You can be the life of the party Be in every picture and frame Or you can enter by the narrow gate To pursue Him.
You can run hard after the crowd Always trying to fit in You can do the things they do Constantly hiding what's within You can dance to their tune Be a human chameleon Or you can run the race with your eyes Only fixed on Him.
You can devote yourself to beauty Make endless youth your passion You can crave external flattery Embrace every trend and fashion You can turn the heads of all Be a perfect ten Or you can take up your cross And daily follow Him.
You can chase your dreams Feed your appetites and whims You can go with your gut--own your truth Fill your cup to the brim You can drink the madness down Play your cards right--sink or swim Or you can strive for the kingdom And righteousness only found in Him.
This life is made from the paths you take The many roads you choose The things you deem to value The treasures you accrue True living comes not from what you gain But what you are willing to lose Not from what you are But whose.